Terms of use

These are the terms under which the website SurnameDB.com owned by Name Origin Research Limited operates. Your use of this website is subject to the following Terms of Use, which you are deemed to accept by using this website:

Content Rights

The copyright and all other rights in the material on this web site are owned by Name Origin Research Limited or are included with the permission of the owner of the rights. As a visitor to this website, you may download as many copies of the material for your own private viewing purposes as you wish. You may also make use where available of the RSS feed to as many sites as you wish providing it is not for commercial or business use. Commercial or business use is not permitted without our prior written consent. Applications for consent should be sent to editor@surnamedb.com.

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Changes to the SurnameDB.com website Terms of Use

Name Origin Research Limited reserves the right to make edits and additions from time to time of these terms without notice.

Updated 27th September 2006.